Craft Council Digital Ceramics Learning Resource


The resource was used with the Craft Council’s educational partners and engagement programmes, providing young people the opportunity to work with emerging processes in 21st century crafts.

The V&A’s Ceramics Galleries are some of the world’s finest collections of international ceramics, displaying ancient Egyptian pottery and Chinese Porcelain alongside cutting edge work by contemporary artists. This resource provides ideas for educators wishing to use these galleries with their classes and incorporate digital technologies with hands on learning to investigate the different styles, techniques and materials in ceramic crafts using cutting edge, yet easy to learn, tools.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Identify the use of different materials, glazes and styles in ceramics.
  • Use galleries for research and collecting primary evidence.
  • Use digital photography and digital modelling to create a piece of ceramic design.


  • A photographic collection of textures, colours and materials used in ceramics.
  • A CAD (Computer Aided Design) model combining virtual and physical elements

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