Samsung Digital Classroom V&A Raphael Gallery Students Working LDF

The V&A Samsung Digital Classroom is a series of events, workshops and commissions which engage 16 – 24 year olds in creative technologies and digital design practice. Sessions are delivered by young studios and practitioners in a customs built pop-up classroom which offers the opportunity to learn in the museum galleries in front of the collections.


VA Samsung Digital Classroom Dubloon 3D Printing

In response to the decline in take-up and delivery of creative subjects in formal education, the programme supports young people in learning more about careers in the creative industries. Through hands-on sessions and discussions with professionals in the creative industries, those making important decisions about their futures could find out more about what it is like to work in different industries and the paths into them.

Workshops used the museum collections, exhibitions and archives as inspiration and source material for getting creative, building projects around the temporary exhibition programme in the V&A. Working with VR, digital print for fashion, video game design and much more, design thinking  and user experience were introduced as  powerful tools to generate solutions to problems.

Collaborators included: Silvia Weidenbach, Sophia George, London Art Portfolio, ARUPLondon Music Hackspace, Scan the World and many more…


VA Samsung Digital Classroom Dubloon 3D Printing

The development and delivery of learning sessions are heavily inspired by the Constructionism, the Maker Movement and object based learning. Workshops were learner centred with briefs set for participants to respond to. Tutors were their to facilitate the activity, supporting with introductions to skills and acting as a critical friend as the work developed.

Pop-up Classroom

VA Samsung Digital Classroom Dubloon 3D Printing

The pop-up classroom was designed in conjunction with Dubloon. Using collapsible LED structures, collapsible furniture and a movable storage unit, learning and making can enter the galleries and offer a unique environment for museum education. The structures act as both a beacon for events, drawing visitors over, and a way to contain and structure the open spaces of the galleries.

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